Our Approach
Diversity & Inclusion is a strategic enabler and should be an integral element in any organisational strategy. The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace are well established and include increases to the bottom line, higher performance, greater innovation and problem solving, reduced turnover and the ability to capture the best talent.
However, we recognise that every Organisation's approach to Diversity and Inclusion is unique and must take into account the history and culture of the business. The BCW therefore offers services to support organisations at all stages of Diversity & Inclusion Maturity.
Below is The BCW's Diversity and Inclusion Maturity Model to demonstrate the progression of clients from being unaware of the importance of Diversity & Inclusion to becoming status quo disruptors who create positive change at a social level.
The BCW Diversity and Inclusion Maturity Model.
The BCW can support you and/or your organisation to take the initial steps with smaller interventions or we can partner with you to support large scale organisational change to achieve competitive advantage through a truly diverse and inclusive culture.
Our approach, whilst underpinned by strong academic research, is very practical and straight talking. We believe in having honest conversations, challenging our current ways of thinking and respecting the value that each person brings.
Our aim is to influence individuals, organisations and society to be more accepting, aware and capable. Ultimately, we work with the end goal in mind - to achieve diversity that is sustained and integrated so that we are no longer needed.